Základní škola Tymákov

Škola / Aktuality


Karneval v partnerské škole ve Španělsku

Vloženo 08.04.2010 21:08 h

V únoru pořádala naše partnerská škola v Tavernes Blanques karneval. Poslali nám zprávu do společného blogu a spoustu krásných fotek.

Hi our friends from Tymákov. In this section we will show how it was the Carnival that we celebrated last February. Each year we choose a different topic and this year the topic was the books & stories. Each grade made their customes about the following stories:

                          1st grade: The three little pigs.

                          2nd grade: The arrival of the spring

                         3rd and 4th grade: Around the World in 80 days.

                         5th grade: The vain little mouse (Spanish traditional story)

                         6th grade: Fearless John


     We add some pictures about the preparations and the perfomances.

                                                                                              Hope you like it.

                                                                                             Teresa & Javier 

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